Saturday 31 October 2015

Beat that Stubborn Headache

chronic headaches
Is your head aching? Again? Research shows that 47 percent of the adult population in the US experiences a headache at least once a year. When you are suffering from one, concentrating on anything becomes difficult. Headaches are generally caused due to stress, dehydration, lack of sleep, skipping meals, vision and dental problems. Head injury, sinus problems, certain medications or hormonal changes can also trigger headaches.It is important to treat the underlying condition to achieve relief from headaches.

At Intelligent Pain Solutions, Los Angeles, our experienced specialists can help you achieve freedom from chronic headaches using innovative methods such as Botox injections, occipital nerve block and radio frequency denervation.

Identify the triggers

If you observe closely, you would be able to pinpoint the things (it could be odors, medicines that trigger your headache. Avoiding what you can and managing what you cannot will help you reduce the frequency and severity of headaches.

Finding the right help

Go to a headache specialist instead of any other doctor. Headache specialists are trained and experienced in treating headaches.  Headache doctors at Intelligent Pain Solutions, Los Angeles are equipped with the right expertise and technology to treat all types of headaches such as tension headaches, cluster headaches and migraines.

No one-size-fits-all

Educate yourself about the treatments your pain management clinic offers and have a quick chat with your specialist to understand how they work. Working as a team with your doctor and being an active participant in your treatment plan enables quick and lasting results. Ask questions and give feedback. Los Angeles’ Intelligent Pain Solutions headache specialists customize your treatment plan considering your symptoms, the underlying condition and how your body responds to treatment.


There are several treatment options available to treat chronic headaches.

Medication – Your doctor will prescribe medication depending on your condition and the root cause. Triptans may be given for acute pain whereas tricyclic antidepressants are given for recurrent headaches
Botox Injections – Botox? For headache?  Yes. Botox paralyzes the muscle and blocks the release of acetylcholine from the nerve cells to prevent headaches from occurring.
Occipital Nerve Block – ONB involves injecting an anesthetic and a corticosteroid into the affected area to stop pain.
Radiofrequency Denervation – Radiofrequency is used to destroy a portion of the nerve root and bring pain relief.

Over 90% of patients at Intelligent Pain Solutions are able to avoid potentially risky surgery, achieve pain relief and become more functional.Call 310-853-1150 to book an appointment today.